Sam Copeland (1925) - NM L Fuerstman (2012)
Charlotte (Smokehouse XLVI)

1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e5 ! 3.dxe5 Ne4 !? the rare Fajarowitz
4.a3 ! The anti-Budda move
4...d6 Now, the gambit
5.exd6 Bxd6 6.Nd2 Not the natural move 6 Nf3?? Nf2!! 7 Kf2 Bg3!!
6...Qh4 ! 7.Nxe4 Not 7 g3?? Ng3!! 8 fg Qg3!!!
7...Qxe4 8.Qd3 ! Qe7 Exchanging Queens defeats the purpose of this system
9.Nf3 Nc6 10.g3 Bg4 11.Bg2 O-O-O 12.Qc2 Rhe8 13.Be3 ! Bc5 ! 14.Bxc5 Qxc5 15.O-O Bxf3 16.exf3 Nd4 17.Qa4 Kb8 ! Don't ask; don't tell!
18.Rad1 Re2 19.f4 Rxb2 Obviously, coupled with control of the now open long diagonal, White give up the pawn to sieze the "b" file
20.Rb1 Ne2 21.Kh1 Nc3 !! The conclusion would look something like (22. Rbd Nd1 23. Rd1 Rd1) 24. Qd1 a6 {!-+ Notes by Fuerstman


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